About Sixguns is expected to be an ongoing page so check back for updates.

Sixguns does have a lengthy history …

And the plan is to include that though our Sixguns historian Albert Fernandez.

For now this page up to answer one question…

Is this just a revolver fan club?

Answer, no, we’re a brotherhood of firearms enthusiasts, each with a different level of passion and background.

Do you have to alighn with our beliefs?


What are our beliefs?

In a nut shell…

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Other than that we’re made up of different religious and political tolerances.

How is SGFF formed?

Currently our legal formation is via the right to contract, that contract is between admin and contributors.

last updated 09/13/2024

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